Management Tools

Management tools are necessary to support the key Data Bank activities of querying and reporting. These tools help Data Bank Administrators and users perform such behind-the-scenes activities as creating and maintaining a practitioner (subject) database, maintaining credit cards, updating profile information, selecting notification preferences, and managing user IDs and passwords.

Administrators and Users

Querying and reporting are the main functions of the Data Bank. But to carry out these two essential functions smoothly and consistently requires underlying administrative support.

Therefore, every registered health care organization maintains a Data Bank Administrator account. Administrative functions performed by this individual, Data Bank Administrator — and, to a limited extent, by authorized users — ensure that the Data Bank operates efficiently to meet your querying and reporting needs.

The Role of the Data Bank Administrator

The Data Bank Administrator role creates the authority for one person in each organization to manage Data Bank activities. In particular, the Data Bank Administrator is responsible for creating and maintaining user accounts for all individuals in the organization who are querying or reporting. Other responsibilities and options of the Data Bank Administrator are summarized below.

The Role of the Data Bank User

The main role of Data Bank users is to query and report; however, they also perform some administrative functions in maintaining and managing their own accounts. User options are summarized below.

Note: To query or report, the Data Bank Administrator must create a separate user account for his or her own use.

Who Does What?

Table 1 summarizes and compares options for Data Bank Administrators and users. For more detailed information about specific options, click the links in the table.

Table 1 – Data Bank Administrators and User Options
Data Bank Administrators Data Bank Users
Query, Report, and View Query/Report Responses No
(unless assigned a separate user account)
See: About Querying, About Reporting
Create User Accounts Yes No
Edit and Delete User Accounts Yes
See: Update Profile Information
Update (Your Own) User Account Yes
See: Update Profile Information
Create, Edit, and Delete Passwords Yes
See: Manage User IDs and Passwords
Reset Active or Expired Passwords Yes
See: Manage User IDs and Passwords
See: Manage User IDs and Passwords
View Data Bank Correspondence Yes Yes
Maintain IQRS Credit Cards Yes
See: Maintain Credit Cards
Authorize Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Yes No
Maintain Agent Information and Relationships Yes
About Authorized Agents,
Designate an Authorized Agent,
Deactivate an Authorized Agent
Maintain Notification Preferences Yes
See: About Notification Preferences
See: About Notification Preferences
View Historical Queries and Reports No Yes
Enroll and manage practitioners in Continuous Query (PDS) No Yes
Renew a Continuous Query (PDS) Enrollment,
Update a Practitioner Profile in Continuous Query (PDS),
Cancel a Continuous Query (PDS) Enrollment
Activate Continuous Query (PDS) Yes
See: Activate Continuous Query (PDS)
View Billing History No Yes
See: View Billing History
Create and Maintain Practitioner Database No Yes
About Practitioner Database,
Create and Maintain a Practitioner Database
Renew Registration Yes
See: Renew Registration