An official query response from the Data Bank is typically available to you online within 1 to 2 hours after submission. You can use the one-page query response to show compliance with the mandated querying requirements. After your query is successfully processed, download the official response and save or file it.
Note: If a query response contains reports, do not include the actual report when showing compliance.
Immediately after submitting your query, you will receive a Temporary Record of Submission with a Data Bank Control Number (DCN). However, this is not the official response. Keep this DCN for reference when checking the status of your query. The DCN also identifies the query when you download the official response.
To View the Official Query Response
To view your query responses, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the Data Bank and click Continue.
- On the Options page, click Querying & Reporting Service.
- On the Querying & Reporting Service page, click View Query Response.
- The query response appears on the Query Status page. This page shows the queries as pending, rejected, partially completed, or completed.A pending query is one that is currently being processed. A rejected query has one or more errors. A document describing the rejection reasons is available for retrieval and once corrected the query must be resubmitted for processing and assessed a new query fee. A partially completed query requires additional processing time. A completed query is available for retrieval.
- On the Query Status page, click the query DCN you wish to view.
- On the Subjects Queried page, click the practitioner’s name to view the official query response on the Subjects Queried page. Responses are typically available within an average of 1 to 2 hours after receipt by the Data Bank.
Additional Information
The Subjects Queried page provides the following:
- Names of the practitioners queried
- Query status of each practitioner (pending, partially completed, completed, or rejected)
- Number of reports returned on each practitioner
- Date the query responses were viewed by the organization
Note: The responses are available as Adobe PDF files and can easily be printed.
Billing History
On the Query Status page, select View Billing History to see your organization’s billing history. For additional information, see View Billing History.